How's it done with Paint.NET?
Published on November 15, 2005 By scorpio-logic In SkinStudio
I know there's a few of you out there that have used Paint.NET for a graphics editor, and a lot of you adept skinners/coders/artists know more of editing graphics than I do. I have searched for tutorials on the subject of Targa image editing, but have come up with such a small amount of info that I have, in three days of trying, yet to build targa files that SkinStudio will use as transparent. A step by step, as if I were as ignorant of technology as I am, would be nice. Thanks a lot for any and all response. Happy Skinning!
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on Nov 15, 2005
Why do you insist on working with tga files, when you've been informed on more than one occasion that you can work with png, and SkS will convert them to tga for you?

Many image editors don't handle tga well, and botch the alpha channel. Paint.NET may well be one of them.

on Nov 15, 2005
How come it doesn't work? Every png that I use is not listed in SKS?
on Nov 15, 2005
I am not insisting on using these targa files, but they seem to be the only files EVERYONE else uses in their skins, and seem also to be the most effective considering that when I use SKS .bmp and .tga are the only ones it likes.
on Nov 15, 2005
Sorry, I'm not trying to rag on you, but you've never asked why png aren't working for you, you just start another thread asking about tga......

You have to IMPORT the png files....

Also make sure in Tools > Preferences > Editing > Image Editors > the "COnvert TGA to PNG before using image editors" is checked.

on Nov 15, 2005
As in right-click and import from file...? And I apologize for not knowing which questions to ask. Apparently, cyberworld asked the question for me in another post. Now I know a little more. I have been playing with building skins for about a month now, which is also the extent of my experience. During this month I have been using a cheapy graphics editor called PhotoFiltre. It's french, and it's basic as it gets. Before that I built gobs of sysmetrix themes using only MS Paint. I can pixel-by-pixel like a mad man, but have no working knowledge of all the goodies that most skinners are using. Forgive my ignorance, and thank you for any and all help you have and might in the future give. I will give it a real go with pngs, I had been just saving the png right to the theme directory. Thanks again, Koasati!
on Nov 15, 2005
Png's also need to be properly formatted. If you use PSP you actually need to export the png and check the box which says "Alpha Channel Transparency" on the Transparency tab. Other transparency formats include "none" and "Single Color"
I also thought I was going to have to give up png's until someone mentioned this little tidbit to me. If I remember correctly his first name is "Super"
on Nov 15, 2005
I save my png, and any layered images in a sub folder in the theme directory. That way when the skin is saved, those images aren't included in the wba file. Also makes them easy to find.
on Nov 15, 2005
Lantec, I use PSP, and I don't have to export png's....... What version are you using?
on Nov 15, 2005
Version 8.10
on Nov 15, 2005
PSP=PhotoShopPro, right?
on Nov 15, 2005
Paint Shop Pro
on Nov 15, 2005
So, I need an editor that has alpha-layer-transparency for png?
on Nov 15, 2005
8.10 here also. This may be the problem....

File > Preferences > File Format Preferences > PNG tab > "Load and save transparency from / to alpha channel" should be disabled.

on Nov 15, 2005
So, I need an editor that has alpha-layer-transparency for png?

Most decent image editors will handle png just fine. I've never used paint.NET, so I don't know of any settings within it.

on Nov 15, 2005
You know, I believe you gave me this fix before. I thought it was easier before. I had to do a reinstall in August & I forgot to set this.

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