Best free browser
Published on October 31, 2005 By scorpio-logic In Internet
Just because I am anti-proprietory about the software I choose, I don't like to use IE6. I've tried NeoPlanet, Avant, Firefox and others not so much free but share. Well, unless you've got NeoPlanet Browser archived somewhere dark and hidden, I can't find it on the internet anymore. Avant, it's tabbed sidebarred and all that. Even skinned. But I can't skin it with the product I actually BOUGHT, so it's out. And wow was I disappointed in firefox after all the great reviews it gets. Again, it's tabbed (really the reason I don't like IE6-no tabbed browsing) and sidebarred and all that. But I can't skin it with the product I actually BOUGHT, so it's out. Now I get around to Maxthon. I like it. It isn't so much different from the Windows default that I can't figure out the options and configurations without a manual and a few days of trial and error. And I can skin it with the product I actually BOUGHT. Except for the toolbar icons. Anyone know how I can change those? This is the only thing I am not excited about Maxthon.
on Oct 31, 2005
Link doesn't work.
on Nov 01, 2005
Does now. You checkin up on me, you seem to be right behind me everywhere.
on Nov 01, 2005
on Nov 01, 2005
The troll see's everything, knows everything!

Just like a li'l green & ugly Santa
on Nov 01, 2005
Maxthon is built on IE

Opera is free now-- no ads
on Nov 01, 2005
And FF is skinable, If I am not mistaken, it uses css to for it's skins. For a selction of pre made skins, head over to the Mozilla plugin and skin page
on Nov 01, 2005
Or, just pick the FF skin with the bars/icons you like (i prefer Nautilus or Alien Chrome or Stealth OS) and let WB skin the rest. There are also a few here. Link
on Nov 01, 2005
Ok, yes yes, I know it is skinnable. But I can't skin it with my WB. I'm checking out opera now. Thanks people!
on Nov 01, 2005
I prefer Opera. Although, I do use IE7 Beta and FireFox. I'd say Opera is the best choice to go with. But, that's just the oppinion of 1.
on Nov 01, 2005
wow. I like this a lot. I'll stick with Opera for a while. Very customizable.
Edgemaster: yeah, I didn't get to the beta site in time to get IE7 beta. Is is worthwhile?
on Nov 01, 2005
I do have OneCareLive, MS answer to Norton Systemworks, albiet a lite version. Firewall/Antivirus/Backup/Tuneup with "24-7 professional support". I am impressed with it.